
Our responsibility

We have a shared responsibility to ensure that our company, the industry, and society stand collectively in helping each other. This responsibility is integral to our business model, work environment, and culture.

We engage in the local community through voluntary social work. We collaborate with ReDi School in creating better conditions for minority women’s path into the IT industry. As volunteers at Project UDENFOR’s Mobile Food Café, we help Copenhagen’s street sleepers closer to their next meal. We also have an essential social responsibility to help educate the next generation of young talents and create a gateway into the industry.

Our commitment connects us with people across Danish society, and it is through this commitment we make a difference. We are enriched with and challenged by new perspectives, but, most importantly, we play each other better on the road to a more sustainable and socially responsible future. We are in it together.

Read more about Wingmen’s sustainable and socially responsible initiatives.

Our sustainable projects

Redi School

We teach women with migrant and refugee backgrounds about IT.

Wingmen Academy

We pave the way for the next generation of the industry’s Wingmen.

Projekt udenfor

We deliver food in Project UDENFOR’s Mobile Food Café to the street sleepers of Copenhagen.

Kristine Nielsen, Executive Assistant at Wingmen Solutions

Kristine Nielsen

You are welcome to contact me, if you are interested in hearing more about Wingmen’s sustainable responsibility and efforts.


contact your wingman or wingwoman