Projekt Udenfor

Projekt UDENFORs Mobile Café

Giving back is an integral part of our culture and business model. Therefore, one of our core values is that our socially responsible and volunteer work makes a difference for some of society’s most vulnerable citizens. Homeless street sleepers are among that category, which is why we are proud to collaborate with Project OUTSIDE through volunteer work.

Every Monday, our employees drive a specially built van called the Mobile Food Café, from where we distribute food, drinks, and other practical equipment to homeless citizens in Copenhagen. Our engagement with Project UDENFOR allows us to contribute to helping those in society who are otherwise difficult to reach and dialogue with citizens from other areas of society.

Other Sustainable projects

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Kristine Nielsen, Executive Assistant at Wingmen Solutions

Kristine Nielsen

You are welcome to contact me if you want to hear more about Project UDENFOR, or if you are curious about our other sustainable projects.


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